
Versioning guidelines

Version tracking for TurTLE is done with git (see for description). The branching model described at is used for inspiration. However, experience shows that our team does not need a develop branch, hence we branch from and merg to master. If a situation comes up where we will need to maintain different versions, we will branch from the respective tags as needed.

The usable VERSION number will be constructed according to semantic versioning rules (see, MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. In principle, if you use TurTLE and you’ve created children of the DNS class, you should not need to rewrite your code unless the MAJOR version changes. The package version is maintained through git tags.

CMake will essentially call git to read in the VERSION: it will get the latest available tag. The full output of git describe --tags is placed in TURTLE_VERSION_LONG and the stripped down MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH is placed in TURTLE_VERSION, and made available to CMake and the C++ code itself.

At the moment the following rules seem adequate. Once I get feedback from someone who actually knows how to handle bigger projects, these may change.

  1. New features are worked on in branches forked from master, with the branch name of the form feature/new. Feature branches are merged back into master only after all tests pass. Typically the MINOR value will be increased at these merges.

  2. Whenever a bug is discovered, a new branch called bugfix/something is created (preferably forked from the earliest commit where the bug is apparent). When merged, the PATCH value is increased.

Please also read “code review” section below.

Code testing

We use CTest for testing TurTLE, and the .gitlab-ci.yml script calls CTest.

Code review

For each merge request a review should be conducted. Ideally, a person other than the initiator of the merge request should review the code.

Code reviews can be more or less thorough, depending on how many separate “review steps” are gone through.

Possible steps, not an exhaustive list:

  1. No regressions. I.e. merge requests should not introduce mistakes into the code. To the extent that the CI coverage is adequate, “the pipeline passes” is a reasonable proxy for “no regressions”.

  2. New functionality is tested. Ideally a new test is added aimed at newly implemented functionality. In the case of bugfixes, a test can simply consist of triggering the bug. In this sense, the reviewer is encouraged to define a clear pass/fail test that the updated code should pass. Depending on concrete details, it may be better if the reviewer writes the test that needs to pass.