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Turbulence Tools: Lagrangian and Eulerian

In brief, this code runs pseudospectral direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, using FFTW 3, and it can integrate particle trajectories in the resulting fields.

The Navier-Stokes solver has been extensively tested (tests are included in the repository), and it is working as expected. Parameters and statistics are stored in HDF5 format, together with code information, so simulation data should be "future proof" — suggestions of possible improvements to the current approach are always welcome.

The primary aim of TurTLE is to reduce the time spent on setting up and baby sitting DNS, as well as simplify the analysis of the generated data. The wish is that this Python package provides an easy and general way of constructing efficient specialized DNS C++ codes for different turbulence problems encountered in research. At the same time, the package should provide a unified way of postprocessing, and accessing the postprocessing results. The code therefore consists of two main parts: the pure C++ code, a set of loosely related "building blocks", and the Python code, which can generate C++ code using the pure classes, but with a significant degree of flexibility.

The code user is expected to write a small python script that will properly define the DNS they are interested in running. That code will generate an executable that can then be run directly on the user's machine, or submitted to a queue on a cluster.